Hello and welcome to the school of thought(less). Instead of straight up giving you teams, I'm gonna throw some info at you first, just so that you can make your own teams in the future.. but yes, teams will show up after. Anyway, the first thing you should probably know about soul arena is the relatsu. There are four different kinds, everyone knows that. But what people don't really think about is what they all do. Each color has different attributes, and the characters that use it are best at certain functions. Here's a nice little list i cooked up for you..
Blue: This relatsu is associated with confusion or disruption. For example, Rukia can stun or destroy enemy relatsu to slow your opponent down and keep him/her from using skills, or making them less effective.
Red: Red relatsu is used almost exclusively for damage. Some characters (renji) stun, and others (Hanatarou) heal , but both of them end up doing a large amount of damage either before or after they do their alternate effects.
Olive: Olive relatsu doesn't exist! Are you crazy?
Yellow: Yellow relatsu shows up in support characters, like orihime. Pretty straightforward, the yellow characters protect their teammates.
White: This relatsu is my favorite because it is the great color of spiking. Spiking (as you might know) is when a character like chad preps themselves for a turn and then unleashes a (Or maybe more than one) devastating attack.
You might be thinking "Well that's nice.. my captain's crazy, but what does this have to do with how I play?"
If so you haven't been thinking very much while attending the school of thoughtless. How silly of you.
Cha-I mean relatsu is perhaps the most important aspect of building a team. Not only is it important to have several different relatsu gulping characters to avoid clashing (Clashing - if i have a bunch of characters who need white relatsu and i only draw one (which is a likely) then I've been put into a relatsu screw because i've used a clashing team), but it's also important to have characters who coordinate well. I'll give an example.. Ichigo (red) Rukia (blue) and Kon (White because he spikes, but still has blue characteristics) make a good team. Rukia can slow down your opponent team on the same turn Kon preps, and can attack next turn with an irritating spike. Meanwhile, you can grind down your enemies with ichigo, who will be getting stronger all the time. Another option is to sub in orihime for ichigo and/or Chad for Kon. It's pretty much the same, except you would be using orihime to support the spiker.
You'll notice I didn't give you a single team today.. I gave you three XD.. or is it more? I can't count. Thank you for attending The School of Though(less). You can comment now.
Blue: This relatsu is associated with confusion or disruption. For example, Rukia can stun or destroy enemy relatsu to slow your opponent down and keep him/her from using skills, or making them less effective.
Red: Red relatsu is used almost exclusively for damage. Some characters (renji) stun, and others (Hanatarou) heal , but both of them end up doing a large amount of damage either before or after they do their alternate effects.
Olive: Olive relatsu doesn't exist! Are you crazy?
Yellow: Yellow relatsu shows up in support characters, like orihime. Pretty straightforward, the yellow characters protect their teammates.
White: This relatsu is my favorite because it is the great color of spiking. Spiking (as you might know) is when a character like chad preps themselves for a turn and then unleashes a (Or maybe more than one) devastating attack.
You might be thinking "Well that's nice.. my captain's crazy, but what does this have to do with how I play?"
If so you haven't been thinking very much while attending the school of thoughtless. How silly of you.
Cha-I mean relatsu is perhaps the most important aspect of building a team. Not only is it important to have several different relatsu gulping characters to avoid clashing (Clashing - if i have a bunch of characters who need white relatsu and i only draw one (which is a likely) then I've been put into a relatsu screw because i've used a clashing team), but it's also important to have characters who coordinate well. I'll give an example.. Ichigo (red) Rukia (blue) and Kon (White because he spikes, but still has blue characteristics) make a good team. Rukia can slow down your opponent team on the same turn Kon preps, and can attack next turn with an irritating spike. Meanwhile, you can grind down your enemies with ichigo, who will be getting stronger all the time. Another option is to sub in orihime for ichigo and/or Chad for Kon. It's pretty much the same, except you would be using orihime to support the spiker.
You'll notice I didn't give you a single team today.. I gave you three XD.. or is it more? I can't count. Thank you for attending The School of Though(less). You can comment now.